9 Fish Products That Every Aquarist Must Have

I was getting paranoid while bringing my first aquarium home, not just because fish were going to be my first pet but also because I had no experience in fish keeping. 

Will I be able to take care of them? What if things go wrong and my fish die? How will I know if they are sick? How will I figure out if they are hungry? 

These are some common questions that echo in my mind. But now, after years of fish keeping and gaining a lot of firsthand experience, I can say that fish keeping is one of the most gratifying hobbies. All you need is to grab all the knowledge online or offline and consult some aquarists for useful tips.  Apart from fish’s behavior, I was also confused about the essential fish accessories that every aquarist must have. So, here I am going to brief about some 9 essential fish products you need to have if you are planning to pursue fish keeping hobby. 

Fish tank

Of course, a fish tank or aquarium is the first thing that you would need but of what size and dimensions? How to buy a fish tank? Well, when it comes to the aquarium, the larger is better. But, you can’t buy a large one if you have a small space. A 20-gallon tank will find space even in small apartments too. Therefore it would be ideal for beginners. Shorter but longer tanks will give your fish enough space to swim and surface area for air exchange. You can buy a glass aquarium or an acrylic one. 


Since aquariums are heavy; don’t try to place them anywhere. Get an aquarium stand that can fit well your tank. If you already have a sturdy stand, no need to buy a new one. 


Many fish have the tendency to jump while swimming. So, if you want to prevent their fatal fall, covering the tank with a hood or lid is a good idea. Hood will also reduce evaporation. You can invest in a plastic lid that weighs less and is not easily breakable or a glass lid that is easy to clean and allow more outside light to enter the tank. Plastic lids are less expensive than glass lids. 


You may buy fluorescent, incandescent, halogen, metal halide, mercury vapour or LED bulbs. While fluorescent bulbs are cooler, LEDs are less expensive and consume less electricity. Also, they don’t heat water. 

Filtration system

You can’t keep your precious fish in dirty water. Isn’t it? So, to keep the water clean and fish healthy, a high-quality filtration system that is within your budget is a must. Make sure that the size of the filter is appropriate for the size of the tank. One thumb rule while buying an aquarium filter is its flow rate should be four times the size of the tank. So, if you have a 20-gallon tank, the flow rate of the filter should be 80 gallons per hour. 


Thermometers are inexpensive and can provide you with the temperature of the water. You can’t keep your fish in very cold or very hot water. A proper temperature range is essential. Therefore, you have to buy a quality thermometer. 


Most of the fish survives well under the temperature range of 22 to 28 degree Celsius. So, if the temperature of your house is not within that range, installing a heater becomes essential. Heaters come with numerical settings through which you can adjust the temperature according to the fish’s requirements.  


Material placed at the bottom of the tank is called the substrate. You can find different types of substrates for aquariums like sand, gravel, rocks, peat, clay and many more. Ideally, you can start with smooth and dark-colored gravel, which is available at aquarium shops or aquarium stores online. For each gallon of water, one pound of gravel is required. So, buy accordingly. 

Substrate is essential if you are planning to add live aquarium plants. Plants in the aquarium offer plenty of benefits to the fish. They not only add to the aesthetics of the tank but also improve the water quality. Additionally, aquarium plants produce oxygen during daylight hours that stabilizes pH. It is also used by fish. However, it is important to add the right aquarium plant, especially if you are a beginner.

Testing kits

It is essential to maintain the water parameters within the suitable range if you want to keep the fish healthy. Therefore, you need to have a testing kit that can measure ammonia, nitrite, chlorine and pH. Monitor the water chemistry closely so that fish remain healthy and do not fall sick. 

So, these are some essential fish products that every aquarist must-have. Apart from these, there are plenty of other products, too, like fishnets, siphon, algae scrubber, aquarium décor items, quarantine tank and a lot more with different functions, but if you are a beginner, you can focus more on the essentialities. Later, you can start splurging on other products as per the requirements.